Self Publising Info

Goals & The List

Is there a goal, is there a plan?  These should be two questions any writer asks themselves whenever they sit down to write.

Granted, we all write for many reasons.  Some write to perform the piece, some write for therapy, and yes, some just write to get the assignment done.  However, many of us write because it's what we want to do to pay the bills and make a living.  So if you are a therapeutic writer, or a student, this may not apply to you.

For many of us the goal is publishing, for some of us, that publishing goal rests on our shoulders.  So what's your plan?  Have you thought about the cover, or getting it edited (yes having a second pair of eyes that is not your friend, significant other, sibling, or child is very important!)  Please, get a damn editor!)  Do you have a budget, and how will you promote it.

These are some of the most important things an author needs to look at.

For me, I take notes.  Once my manuscript was about 85% complete, I began making a list of things I need to get done.  I made this list, and I'm keeping a list of cost, because yes, there is always cost in publishing.  My list looked something like this. Please excuse the bullet points, but they help me
  • Begin the writing process
    • Some kind of title will come out of this 
  • Find an editor
    • Someone who communicates well with you.  Someone who will talk to me vs. texting or just emailing
  • Find some beta readers 
    • This is a poetry project, you need some feedback to make sure you're on the right track and people are feeling your writing...if not make changes and make them poems crack
  • Look for promotion
    • Want some radio play this time.  Remember that what you felt was lacking with your last projects.
    • Also find and price bloggers and look at the "cheap bookies" sites
    • youtube?  effective?
  •  Copyright the book, Library of Congress TX Form
  • Find a cheap graphic artist
    • people say poetry books don't sell, find a inexpensive, but good cover designer.  Let's go with something simple...let your words do the talking
  • Formatting.  You'll publish through Amazon so see what they're working with since last project
  • Choose a release date, promote before, on day of, and throughout...set a calender
  • Promote IG site, get more followers, free way to promote, continue with # poetry to keep name out there.
  • What's the budget $300-$400??....hopefully less

That's what my list looked like somewhat.  One of the goals for this blog is to let authors see how I self publish.  Another goal is to see how I can improve upon my last project, document, and learn from my short-comings.

I will go into depth in each of these concepts and items to give a greater understanding of the process.  This blog is called the Blue Process, because writing is a process, and so is publishing.

I look forward to you joining me on this journey.  So post comments, find me on instagram and twitter.  Like I said one of my big goals is to show people how to produce a solid project, and sell copies of it.



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